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MAT 3375 Regression Analysis 加拿大渥太华大学数学统计回归分析代考代写


MAT 3375 Regression Analysis – University of Ottawa

  1. [6 points] Explain the following procedures/concepts (for sub-questions a, b, c), and give
    short answers (for sub-questions d, e, f).
    a) What do we mean when we say that the numerical response Y is fit linearly against
    the numerical predictor X in the ordinary least squares sense?
    b) How does forward stepwise selection work when we attempt to fit a numerical
    response Y against a set of numerical predictors {X1, . . . ,Xp}?
    c) What do we mean when we say that an observation is a Y −outlier for a dataset?
    An X−outlier? An influential observation? Why is it important to identify such
    d) Enumerate the main assumptions of the multiple linear regression model.
    e) Name 5 extensions of the SLR model, briefly explaining how these models differ
    from SLR.
    f) Select all valid answers (no need to justify your choices):
    i. It is possible to fit a numerical response Y against a numerical predictor X by
    i=1|yi − ˆyi|.
    ii. Generally, R2 = r2 in SLR.
    iii. The Spearman correlation between two variables always has the same sign as
    their Pearson correlation.
    iv. We can always determine the linear fit of a dataset {(xi, yi) | i = 1, . . . , n}.

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代写之家提供英文留学生代考数学代考服务,其中数学公共基础课微积分代考成绩常年保持在90%高正确率以上!数学代考 我们提供哪些数学代考服务?微积分(Calculus),线性代数,概率论与数理统计,离散数学,抽象代数实分析复分析常微分方程,偏微分方程,统计学,泛函,群论考试助攻我们会按照难度,一般来说,我们判别难度是学生读的是本科还是研究生,还有课程的级别。



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全球top30 美国UC系高校Linear Algebra 线性代数代考满分

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(a) State Cauchy-Buniakovski-Schwartz Inequality on an inner product space V . Don’t forget
to say when equality is attained.

(b) Prove that
(1 · 2016 + 2 · 2017 + 3 · 2018 + · · · + 2015 · 4030)2 < (12 + 22 + · · · + 20152) · (20162 + 20172 + · · · + 40302).
Explain why this is not an equality.

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留学生online final exam代考代写,12月份代考考试旺季,接下来就是网课代上网课代修网课代考季节。不管是简单的数学微积分代考,还是深层次的 离散数学代考Abstract algebra,实分析代考Real analysis ,复分析代考Complex analysis ,抽象代数代考Abstract algebra ,数值分析代考Numerical analysis等课程考试代考,我们都可以拿捏!

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Q7 (10 points)
(Part A is worth 5 points; Part B is worth 5 points)
Leave numbers in generic form such as: $e^$, $\ln( )$, $\sqrt{*}$, etc., if applicable. No decimal numbers.
Part A. If $\displaystyle f(t) = 5\sqrt{t} – \frac{1}{t}$ for $t>0$ and $g(x,y) = x^2+y^2-5$, determine where $(f \circ g) (x,y)$ is continuous.
Part B. Given that $z=y^3 \sin(4x) + (x+x^2)^{\cos(x)}e^{-x^4} + \cos(3x) \arctan(y^2+1) \ln(y^3+42)$, find $\displaystyle \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x \partial y} $ when $x=\pi$ and $y=0$.
You must clearly and coherently justify your work – show your steps in your calculation. You cannot provide only the final answer. Circle your final answer for each part.

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Question 1)
(a) Show that, by choosing suitable values for P and Q, Green’s Theorem in the
plane leads to the formula for the area enclosed by a loop i.e.,
Area =
2 ˛loop
xdy − ydx
[2 marks]
(b) Use this to find the area of the closed curve defined by
x = cos 
y = 3 sin 
where 0 ≤  ≤ 2. [4 marks]
Question 2)
Consider the vector field, F = x2yz i+xy2z j+xyz2 k. Use the divergence theorem
to evaluate
” F · ds
over the surface of the unit cube defined by the ranges x = [0, 1]; y = [0, 1]; z = [0, 1].
[4 marks]
Question 3)
Consider the vector field F = (2x+yz) i+(2y+xz) j+xyk. Using Stokes’ theorem,
show that ¸ F · dr = 0 around any closed curve. [2 marks]
Question 4)
Consider the vector field, F = y i+x k. Use Stokes’ theorem to find ¸ F·dr around
the circular loop in the xy-plane defined by x2 + y2 = a2. [4 marks]
Question 5)
For gravity, g, we can define the divergence as, ∇ · g = −4G, where G is the
gravitational constant and  is the mass density. The divergence theorem states that,
g · ds = °V
∇ · g dV.
By applying the divergence theorem to a point within the Earth’s radius, a distance
r from the centre:
(a) Draw a sketch showing a suitable choice of surface, S. [2 marks]
(b) Show that the magnitude of g is given by:
g(r) = −
(Assume that the Earth has a constant density.) [2 marks]
Question 6)
The square OABC lies in the xy-plane and is defined by the points:
O = (0, 0, 0);A = (1, 0, 0);B = (1, 1, 0);C = (0, 1, 0). The vector field, b, is given by,
b = 2yz i + (x2 − y2) j + (y + x2 − z2) k.
(a) Evaluate the line integral, I1 = ¸ b · dr, following the path O-A-B-C-O.
[4 marks]
(b) Determine ∇ × b. [2 marks]
(c) Evaluate, I2 = ˜OABC(∇ × b) · ds, over the square OABC. [4 marks]

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数学代写|Real analysis实变分析代考,Complex analysis复变分析代考,数学代考

代写之家可以接数学专业课程analysis代写,无论是本科阶段Stein实分析代写(Real analysis),还是研究生阶段Folland的analysis代考,我们都有信心可以啃下这块硬骨头! 当然复分析代考 (Complex analysis) 也是OK的,此外,数学专业的实变函数,复变函数,测度论,拓扑学,抽象代数,几何群论,数值分析,表示论,常偏微分方程等数学代写代考也是拿手好戏


下面是复分析中Comformal Mappings部分的作业代写实战

  1. Let D  C be the intersection of the half planes y < 2x and y > 􀀀2x, where z = x +
    iy 2 C. Find a conformal mapping of D onto the following domains:
    a) Find a conformal mapping of D onto the right half plane.
    b) Find a conformal mapping of D onto the unit disk D = fjzj < 1g.
    c) Determine the automorphism group for D.
  2. Given a 2 (􀀀1; 1) we wish to find a conformal map  of the slit disk D n (􀀀1; a]
    onto the unit disk D such that (i=2) = 0. In order to do this proceed as follows:
    a) Find a conformal map of D n (􀀀1; a] onto D n (􀀀1; 0].
    b) Find a conformal map of D n (􀀀1; 0] onto D.
  3. Let D = D n fjz + 1=2j  1=2g. Find a conformal map from D to D.
  4. Consider the unit disk
    a) Show that D is not conformally equivalent to C.
    b) Find an analytic mapping f : D ! C such that f(D) = C.
  5. Prove that the only entire functions f : C ! C which are injective (one to one) are the
    linear functions f(z) = az + b.
  6. Let Dj ; j = 1; 2; : : : ; be a sequence of simply connected domains such that Dj+1 
    Dj  C for all j = 1; 2; : : : , and such that the interior D of \jDj is nonempty and
    a) Prove that D is simply connected.
    b) Pick any point z0 2 \jDj . Let gj : D ! Dj be a conformal map, normalized so that
    gj (0) = z0 and g0
    j (0) 2 (0; 1). Prove that the sequence gj ; j = 1; 2; : : : ; converges
    locally uniformly on D to an analytic function g with the properties: if z0 2= D then g
     z0; if z0 2 D then g : D ! D is a conformal map.

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