Month: 12 月 2021


数学物理方程具有很强的物理背景,代表了前电脑时代人类的最高智慧水平,觉得难是很正常的。代写之家数学代考、 物理代考、exam代考线上代考、online test、take homework 服务。基础物理声光电磁学,理论物理量子力学,经典力学,电动力学,统计力学等,数学离散数学、数理统计、抽象代数、微分方程、测度论、实变函数、数学物理方程等代考代写




Question 1)
(a) Show that, by choosing suitable values for P and Q, Green’s Theorem in the
plane leads to the formula for the area enclosed by a loop i.e.,
Area =
2 ˛loop
xdy − ydx
[2 marks]
(b) Use this to find the area of the closed curve defined by
x = cos 
y = 3 sin 
where 0 ≤  ≤ 2. [4 marks]
Question 2)
Consider the vector field, F = x2yz i+xy2z j+xyz2 k. Use the divergence theorem
to evaluate
” F · ds
over the surface of the unit cube defined by the ranges x = [0, 1]; y = [0, 1]; z = [0, 1].
[4 marks]
Question 3)
Consider the vector field F = (2x+yz) i+(2y+xz) j+xyk. Using Stokes’ theorem,
show that ¸ F · dr = 0 around any closed curve. [2 marks]
Question 4)
Consider the vector field, F = y i+x k. Use Stokes’ theorem to find ¸ F·dr around
the circular loop in the xy-plane defined by x2 + y2 = a2. [4 marks]
Question 5)
For gravity, g, we can define the divergence as, ∇ · g = −4G, where G is the
gravitational constant and  is the mass density. The divergence theorem states that,
g · ds = °V
∇ · g dV.
By applying the divergence theorem to a point within the Earth’s radius, a distance
r from the centre:
(a) Draw a sketch showing a suitable choice of surface, S. [2 marks]
(b) Show that the magnitude of g is given by:
g(r) = −
(Assume that the Earth has a constant density.) [2 marks]
Question 6)
The square OABC lies in the xy-plane and is defined by the points:
O = (0, 0, 0);A = (1, 0, 0);B = (1, 1, 0);C = (0, 1, 0). The vector field, b, is given by,
b = 2yz i + (x2 − y2) j + (y + x2 − z2) k.
(a) Evaluate the line integral, I1 = ¸ b · dr, following the path O-A-B-C-O.
[4 marks]
(b) Determine ∇ × b. [2 marks]
(c) Evaluate, I2 = ˜OABC(∇ × b) · ds, over the square OABC. [4 marks]

代写之家为海外留学生提供全方面的线上辅导,包括但不限于:exam代考、留学生考试、代考 作业代写留学生作业代写网课代上网课代考,致力于提升Exam/Quiz分数并向更高GPA冲刺。同时提供考试辅助等在线解题服务。

数学代写|Real analysis实变分析代考,Complex analysis复变分析代考,数学代考

代写之家可以接数学专业课程analysis代写,无论是本科阶段Stein实分析代写(Real analysis),还是研究生阶段Folland的analysis代考,我们都有信心可以啃下这块硬骨头! 当然复分析代考 (Complex analysis) 也是OK的,此外,数学专业的实变函数,复变函数,测度论,拓扑学,抽象代数,几何群论,数值分析,表示论,常偏微分方程等数学代写代考也是拿手好戏


下面是复分析中Comformal Mappings部分的作业代写实战

  1. Let D  C be the intersection of the half planes y < 2x and y > 􀀀2x, where z = x +
    iy 2 C. Find a conformal mapping of D onto the following domains:
    a) Find a conformal mapping of D onto the right half plane.
    b) Find a conformal mapping of D onto the unit disk D = fjzj < 1g.
    c) Determine the automorphism group for D.
  2. Given a 2 (􀀀1; 1) we wish to find a conformal map  of the slit disk D n (􀀀1; a]
    onto the unit disk D such that (i=2) = 0. In order to do this proceed as follows:
    a) Find a conformal map of D n (􀀀1; a] onto D n (􀀀1; 0].
    b) Find a conformal map of D n (􀀀1; 0] onto D.
  3. Let D = D n fjz + 1=2j  1=2g. Find a conformal map from D to D.
  4. Consider the unit disk
    a) Show that D is not conformally equivalent to C.
    b) Find an analytic mapping f : D ! C such that f(D) = C.
  5. Prove that the only entire functions f : C ! C which are injective (one to one) are the
    linear functions f(z) = az + b.
  6. Let Dj ; j = 1; 2; : : : ; be a sequence of simply connected domains such that Dj+1 
    Dj  C for all j = 1; 2; : : : , and such that the interior D of \jDj is nonempty and
    a) Prove that D is simply connected.
    b) Pick any point z0 2 \jDj . Let gj : D ! Dj be a conformal map, normalized so that
    gj (0) = z0 and g0
    j (0) 2 (0; 1). Prove that the sequence gj ; j = 1; 2; : : : ; converges
    locally uniformly on D to an analytic function g with the properties: if z0 2= D then g
     z0; if z0 2 D then g : D ! D is a conformal map.

代写之家为海外留学生提供全方面的线上辅导,包括但不限于:exam代考、留学生考试、代考 作业代写留学生作业代写网课代上网课代考,致力于提升Exam/Quiz分数并向更高GPA冲刺。同时提供考试辅助等在线解题服务。






在澳洲的大学里,没有教学大纲和统编教材,每个教授都有自己的学术见解和授课方法,尽管教授也会给出参考书目,但是这也决不能代替上课的笔记。可以把每周 Lecture 演讲的 ppt 里的知识点重点整理出来,作为复习材料。

  • 按时上课


  • 整理知识点与例题总结

回顾这 13 周每周的课堂知识点和 Tutorial 的讲题,哪些理论或者例题是自己觉得不够明白的,抓紧机会找老师问清楚,并将重点知识点或者例题一一整理出来,千万别拖到了最后一周才发现自己对这块内容不理解而找不到老师可以问。

  • 制订学习时间表


  • 多做各种模拟考试


  • 注意劳逸结合


代写之家为海外留学生提供全方面的线上辅导,包括但不限于:exam代考、留学生考试、代考 作业代写留学生作业代写网课代上网课代考,致力于提升Exam/Quiz分数并向更高GPA冲刺。同时提供考试辅助等在线解题服务。