
英文伦敦大学学院UCL代考PHAS0042 Quantum Mechanics量子力学物理代写

University College London英国伦敦大学学院物理专业量子力学代考PHAS0042 Quantum Mechanics,UCL期末考试,开学补考欢迎来询,经验丰富!诸如:PHAS0041:-Solid State Physics固体物理学,PHAS0038 – Electromagnetic Theory电磁理论,MATH0025 Mathematics For General Relativity相对论,PHAS0025 – Mathematical Methods III数学方法这些课程都可以接!近两年针对UCL英国伦敦大学学院的exam代考考试经验丰富,通常国内下午5点开考,时长3-4小时,专业靠谱英国代考

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Quantum Mechanics量子力学代考物理代写代做

随着量子力学Quantum Mechanics慢慢被大众所知晓,一些围绕着它创作的梗也逐渐流行开来,比如说“遇事不决,量子力学”。而在对其进行调侃的同时,很多人却说量子力学很恐怖。的确如此,代考代写物理学中的四大力学金刚量子力学、电动力学、热力学与统计力学、理论力学理解起来都比较飘渺。

Question 8
The primitive vectors of the face-centred cubic (fcc)lattice are Not yet
a = (a/2)(O,1,1), b = (a/2)(1,0,1) and c = (a/2)(1,1,0) answered
so that points on the Bravais lattice have position vectors,
Rn1,n2,n3 = n1 a + n2 b +n3 c
The constant a is the lattice parameter and n1,n2 and n3 are integers. What is the shortest distance (in units of the lattice para
nneter a,otice have)? [15
the lattice and,for a given point, how many points surrounding it are this far away (ie. how many nearest neighbours does a poimarks]
Select one:

  1. distance= 0.5 a,9 nearest neighbours
  2. distance = a, 12 nearest neighbours
  3. distance =0.7071 a, 12 nearest neighbours
  4. distance= 1a,8 nearest neighbours
  5. distance = 0.5a, 2 nearest neighbours
  6. None of these answers are correct
  7. distance = 0.7071a, 6 nearest neighbours

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物理量子力学代考,量子力学(Quantum Mechanics),为物理学理论,与电动力学代考,热力学统计物理代写,理论力学代写并称为四大力学金刚,理论物理代写难度比基础物理学高出蛮多,这些科目基本是物理专业的学生才有的课程。量子力学是研究物质世界微观粒子运动规律的物理学分支,主要研究原子、分子、凝聚态物质,以及原子核和基本粒子的结构、性质的基础理论。它与相对论一起构成现代物理学的理论基础。量子力学不仅是现代物理学的基础理论之一,而且在化学代写等学科和许多近代技术中得到广泛应用。


[6 pts] Calculate the product xp of the position and momentum uncertainties for the ground state
0 and for the rst excited state 1 of the harmonic oscillator. It may be useful to recall the de nitions
of the position and momentum operators in terms of ^a􀀀 and ^a+:
^x =
(^a􀀀 + ^a+); ^p = i
(^a􀀀 􀀀 ^a+): (1)
2 What is Momentum Anyway?
[10 pts] Prove that
d hxi


Hint: it is helpful to recall the following formulas:
= 􀀀
@x2 + V (x) ; (2)
h^ Qi =
Z 1
(x; t)^Q (x; t)dx; (3)
^p = 􀀀ih
: (4)
3 Double Delta Potential
[14 pts] Consider a particle of mass m in a potential given by
V (x) = 􀀀[(x + a) + (x 􀀀 a)]; ; a > 0:
This system has two bound states for very large a, but only a single bound state for very small a.

  1. (2 pts) The stationary states in this potential may be taken to be either even or odd. Explain
    why in one sentence. (Hint: either look at the form of V (x) or consider the parity operator.)
  2. (4 pts) Sketch the wave functions of the two bound states for very large a. Be sure to label
    which of the two is the ground state and which is the excited state. Then sketch the wave
    function of the single bound state for very small a.
    For arbitrary a > 0, the bound state energies E are determined by the following transcendental
    equation for the variable  =
    e􀀀2a =
    m 􀀀 1; (x) even;
    1 􀀀 h2
    m ; (x) odd:
  3. (3 pts) Find the energies of the even and odd bound states in the limit as a goes to in nity.
  4. (3 pts) Find the energy of the single bound state in the limit as a goes to zero.
  5. (2 pts) Estimate the value of a at which the system goes from having one bound states to two.
    You are NOT expected to solve for a exactly.
    4 Half Harmonic oscillator
    [8 pts] Consider the half-harmonic oscillator potential (which represents, for example, a string which
    can be stretched but not compressed), given by the potential
    V (x) =
    2m!2×2 for x > 0;
    1 for x  0:
  6. (4 pts) What are the allowed energies? Explain your reasoning.
  7. (4 pts) What is the wave function for the ground state of the half-harmonic oscillator, written
    as a function of x? Make sure your solution is normalized.
    5 Two-Level System
    [14 pts] Consider the photons and polarizers described in class, which is an instance of a two-level
    system. Recall that the elements of the polarization vector correspond to probability amplitudes,
    similar to the expansion coecients cn of wave functions.
  8. (3 pts) For a photon incident on a linear polarizer aligned in the ^x direction (meaning that it
    transmits photons in the jxi-polarized state), what is the transmission probability if the initial
    polarization vector of that photon is ~E = Ex^x + Ey ^y?
  9. (3 pts) A photon prepared in the jxi state is incident on a linear polarizer oriented at angle 
    relative to ^x. Solve for and sketch a graph of the probability of transmission (i.e. the probability
    that the photon makes it through the polarizer) as a function of .
  10. (4 pts) As we showed in class, using the fjxi; jyig basis, an `x-polarizer’ transmits photons
    polarized in the x-direction while re
    ecting photons polarized in the y-direction. It makes a
    measurement of the operator (expressed in the fjxi; jyig basis)
    1 =
    1 0
    0 􀀀1
    : (6)
    A polarizer rotated at +45 degrees relative to the ^x-axis measured the operator
    2 =
    0 1
    1 0
    : (7)
    What is the operator corresponding to a polarizer oriented at +30 degrees relative to the ^x-axis?
  11. (4 pts) Consider a particle prepared in the right-hand polarized state, j i = jRi = p1
    (jxi + ijyi).
    For times t < 0, the Hamiltonian for this particle is 0: in other words, it does not interact with
    anything and nothing changes about its state. For times t  0, the following Hamiltonian is
    turned on:
    jxihxj 􀀀 jyihyj
    jxi jyi
    1 0
    0 􀀀1
    ;  0: (8)
    Under the time evolution governed by ^H, is there ever a time t when the state becomes
    [a] j (t)i = jLi = p1
    (jxi 􀀀 ijyi)? Explain your reasoning. If yes, what is the rst time t
    when this occurs?
    [b] j (t)i = jxi? Explain your reasoning. If yes, what is the rst time t when this occurs?
    6 Rigged Hilbert Space
    [8 pts] Consider complex-valued functions f; g of a real variable x, with inner product de ned as
    hfjgi =
    R 1
    􀀀1 f(x)g(x)dx. For the following functions, name the most restricted space to which they
    belong: nuclear space, Hilbert space, extended space, or none of the above.
  12. (2 pts) f(x) = sin(x);
  13. (2 pts) f(x) = sin(x)e􀀀x2 ;
  14. (2 pts) f(x) = 1
  15. (2 pts) f(x) = ex2 .

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